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Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology

spotted beetle on a white flower

Jun 28, 2023

Meet Pollinators That Flap, Creep or Scurry

Bees take center stage during National Pollinator Month. But did you know that not all pollinators buzz? 

Picture of florescent flies.

Jun 12, 2023

CRISPR/Cas9-Based Gene Drive Could Suppress Agricultural Pests

Researchers use for the first time a gene-drive system on an important agricultural pest. 

a green stink bug on a crop

May 24, 2023

Controlling North Carolina’s Stinky Pests

Extension specialist Dominic Reisig and his research team are helping growers get rid of stink bugs devastating their fields. 

bell tower at night

Apr 20, 2023

Six Faculty Members Honored with Outstanding Research Award, Induction to Research Leadership Academy

The winners of NC State University’s top award for research and mentorship this year include Dr. Anthony Blikslager, Ola Harrysson, Maria Mayorga, Jun Ninomiya-Tsuji, Rob Scheller and Anna Whitfield. 

image shows an electronic patch attached to the leaf of a tomato plant

Apr 12, 2023

Multifunctional Patch Offers Early Detection of Plant Diseases, Other Crop Threats

The patch can be applied to the leaves of plants to monitor crops for different pathogens – such as viral and fungal infections – and stresses such as drought or salinity. 

Fall armyworm moth.

Apr 11, 2023

Perfume Component Helps Lure Male Moth Pests

Adding a small amount of a perfume component to pheromones helps attract male fall armyworms looking for a good time. 

Potato plant with late blight

Apr 4, 2023

NC State Researchers Assemble Pathogen ‘Tree of Life’

Researchers provide an open-access tool to capture new data on a global plant destroyer, Phytophthora. 

Jim Walgenbach loading apples to help with pest problems

Apr 3, 2023

One Step Ahead

Jim Walgenbach's research and fieldwork as an NC State Extension entomologist helps keep pests from causing significant damage to crops in the North Carolina mountains. 

NC State belltower on a sunny day

Mar 29, 2023

10 CALS Faculty Named 2022-23 Goodnight Early Career Innovators

The program recognizes and rewards promising NC State early-career faculty whose scholarship is in STEM or STEM education. 

A group selfie of Carolyn Young with female colleagues

Mar 28, 2023

Grassroots Approach to Leadership

Carolyn Young, head of the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, says mentors encouraged her to pursue higher education and take on leadership roles. Now she does the same for others.