After Hurricane Matthew: Disaster Info and Resources

Hurricane Matthew has left devastating flooding in North Carolina, as well as power outages and damaged homes, farms and businesses.
North Carolina Cooperative Extension has developed online factsheets to help people dealing with a disaster to begin the process of recovery safely. In addition to the materials below, visit Extension’s N.C. Disaster Information Center for more resources.
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In partnership with the N.C. Agricultural Foundation, Inc. and the N.C. Cooperative Extension Ag Programs Foundation, Extension has established the N.C. Cooperative Extension Disaster Relief Fund. Donations will be distributed to Extension employees and those who have sustained significant losses as a result of this storm, and the fund will remain open for responding to future disasters. Secure online donations can be made at:
Message from Dean Rich Linton and Associate Dean Richard Bonanno
Extension Fact Sheets: Recovering After a Hurricane
- Returning Home after a Disaster
- Meal Preparation and Food Safety after a Power Failure
- When the Power is Out – When to Save Refrigerated Food and When to Throw it Out
- How to Salvage Flood-Damaged Appliances
- Kitchen Cleanup after the Flood
Additional recovery fact sheets are available online at
Other Information Resources:
- Concerns with Flooded Soybeans Two videos about immediate and long-term agronomic concerns for farmers whose soybeans have been flooded
- Hurricane Matthew Disaster Resources from NC State’s Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- The Disaster Handbook, University of Florida Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences
- Food Safety with Flooded Crops: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration provides guidance to growers on how to evaluate the safety of flood-affected food crops
- Download the ReadyNC app from N.C. Emergency Management for a comprehensive emergency preparedness mobile tool specific to North Carolina.
- Download the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Rebuild Healthy Homes app for Android or iPhone and iPad. Other home-recovery resources are at
- Follow Extension on Twitter for ongoing Hurricane Matthew recovery resources and updates.
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