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Author: Ken Ellzey

Mar 6, 2014

Economic clusters

Host Mary Walden asks about a buzz phrase heard often in discussions about economic development -- economic clusters. Her husband N.C. State University economist Mike Walden responds. 

Mar 5, 2014

Can higher wages reduce labor costs?

Host Mary Walden asks about the low level of wages paid by many companies. Some argue that such companies are hurting themselves. These folks say companies could actually pay their workers more and at the same time reduce their costs and increase their profits. Her husband, N.C. State University economist Mike Walden describes how this could happen? 

Mar 4, 2014

What is ‘My RA?’

Host Mary Walden asks about a savings account called My RA that President Obama proposed in his State of the Union Address. Her husband, N.C. State University economist Mike Walden answers the question: What is it and how is it different from existing savings accounts?” 

Mar 3, 2014

Old habits come back

Host Mary Walden asks about a boom in the vehicle buying, sales of all vehicles, including larger vehicles on the rise. She asks why gas prices of over $3 are discouraging consumers buying big cars and trucks. Her husband, N.C. State economist Mike Walden responds. 

Feb 28, 2014

Improving the Panama Canal

Host Mary Walden asks about the Panama Canal – a major trade route – that is now over 100 years old. The canal is being widened, and the new version is set to open next year. She asks N.C. State economist Mike Walden, “What will this mean for our economy?”