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Author: Ken Ellzey

Aug 11, 2014

Lending rebounds

The ability to borrow money for investments is crucial for the economy. Clearly borrowing can be overdone, but if consumers don’t borrow, the economy usually struggles. Host Mary Walden asks her husband NC State Economist Dr. Mike Walden, “Lending virtually stopped during the recession, so where are we now?” 

Aug 4, 2014

Taking flight with the economy

Air travel has become common today, and in fact many businesses couldn’t survive without the ability to reach customers quickly through air flights. Host Mary Walden asks her husband, NC State economist Dr. Mike Walden, “Does this mean access to air transportation has become a major factor in a community’s economic development?” 

Jul 28, 2014

Mid-year economic forecast

As we enter the second half of 2014, economists like to update their forecast. Host Mary Walden asks her husband, NC State economist Dr. Mike Walden, about his bi-annual North Carolina economic outlook. “What does your crystal ball show for the economy over the next six months?” she says. 

Jul 21, 2014

Why inflation might not jump

There appears to be heightened concerns about inflation today, according to host Mary Walden. Some point to the tremendous quantity of new money the Federal Reserve has engineered as the source of their fears, but others say, ‘not so fast.’ There may be a lingering break on inflation. She asks her husband, NC State economist Mike Walden, “What is this break?” 

Jul 14, 2014

How can communities revive?

Host Mary Walden recently spent time in New York City with her husband, NC State economist Mike Walden. “We did a fascinating tour of Brooklyn and learned how some of that burrows neighborhoods have experienced a dramatic economic renewal How did they do it?” she asks. 

Jul 7, 2014

The rise of the consuming class

The world economy has been changing dramatically in recent decades. Many see some of the changes as negative, with foreign competition increasing and jobs moving from our country to others. Host Mary Walden asks her husband, NC State economist Mike Walden, “Are there other changes ahead that may be more positive?” 

Jun 30, 2014

Falling income from working

New statistics just released show that the proportion of households’ financial resources from working is at a thirty-year low, host Mary Walden says. She asks her husband, NC State economist Mike Walden, “What kind of resources have taken up the slack?” 

Jun 23, 2014

Marriage and income

Finding a life mate is both exciting and fun, but also sometimes difficult, says host Mary Walden. “Has anything changed economically speaking in the search for a soul mate?” she asks her husband, NC State economist Mike Walden. 

Jun 16, 2014

Resource revolution

Economists wonder where the “next big thing” will be. That is, what will be the next industry that will employ people and create growth? I understand some people say it may be an industry that creates a positive out of a negative, says host Mary WaIden. She asks her husband, NC State economist Mike Walden, “What is it?” 

Jun 9, 2014

Voting with their feet

There’s a theory in economics that says if residents are unhappy with their local taxes, they will be more likely to move. Host Mary Walden asks her husband, NC State economist Mike Walden, “Is there any evidence supporting this idea?”