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Author: admin

Aug 12, 2010

Agricultural law course makes students firsthand witnesses to the law in action

Ron Campbell, a lecturer in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, believes that exposing students to the law is one of the best ways to teach it. That’s why… 

Aug 12, 2010

Jones professorship at Kannapolis established with $1 million endowment in College

Ben and Ruby Jones of Kannapolis are committed to improving human health. They’re also eager to support an initiative they believe will strengthen their local community. Those are just a… 

Aug 12, 2010

Trudy Mackay elected to National Academy of Sciences

Dr. Trudy F.C. Mackay, William Neal Reynolds and distinguished university professor of genetics and entomology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at N.C. State University, has been elected… 

Aug 12, 2010

Getting enough calcium in early life could be key for optimal lifelong bone health

There’s no denying that people need calcium for strong, healthy bones. But new research from N.C. State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences suggests that not getting enough calcium… 

Aug 12, 2010

N.C. State scientist searches the world for plants that help human health

From Bhutan’s rugged Himalayas to Ecuador’s cloud forest to Alaska’s frozen tundra, Dr. Mary Ann Lila searches high and low for what could be called pharmaceutical plants – and not… 

Aug 12, 2010

CEFS launches 10% Campaign and releases guide on local foods

In May, more than 600 people gathered at the Breeze Farm in Orange County’s Hurdle Mills to celebrate and enjoy local food prepared by area chefs. The Farm to Fork… 

Aug 12, 2010

Commodity leaders, growers train in food-safety crisis communications

North Carolina commodity association leaders and growers are better prepared to communicate in the event of a fresh produce safety crisis, thanks to a training initiative sponsored by N.C. MarketReady… 

Aug 12, 2010

Helping veterinarians match medical excellence with business excellence

Where can veterinarians go when they need help in realizing their practices’ full business potential? The answer is Synergy Veterinary Consulting, a company founded two years ago in Tampa, Fla.,… 

Aug 12, 2010

‘Scientists in the Classroom’ brings science to elementary school

Third-graders at West Smithfield Elementary School were all abuzz recently over the opportunity to take their classroom outdoors to study plants, insects and soils. And N.C. Cooperative Extension agent Amie… 

Aug 12, 2010

Agriculture teacher Jodi Riedel named N.C. Environmental Educator of the Year

Jodi Riedel, a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences alumna and Wakefield High School agriculture and horticulture teacher, has received North Carolina’s highest honor for environmental education, the Environmental Educator…