Daniel Radford has been named director of Alumni and Engagement in CALS Advancement, effective May 16.
A member of the CALS Advancement team since 2021, Radford’s recent accomplishments include leading the CALS Alumni and Friends board, overseeing alumni engagement activities, and partnering with the Academic Programs Office to develop the CALS Alumni for Student Success (CASS) program, which engages alumni to support students’ career development and success. Radford will continue to lead these efforts in his role as director.
“I am excited for Daniel to continue to grow the college’s relationships with our alumni and friends,” Advancement Assistant Dean Sonia Murphy said.
Radford’s work will involve deepening relationships with faculty and staff, students, alumni, stakeholders, and industry representatives and developing opportunities to connect them to CALS. He will drive the strategy and development of engagement activities such as CALS Alumni and Friends Society, CALS Tailgate, Ag Day Baseball and CALS Alumni Awards.
“CALS students, faculty and staff do amazing work, and I look forward to finding and creating opportunities for these various groups to engage and contribute to the success of our college,” Radford said.
Activating the 35,000+ CALS alumni network will be another integral part of Radford’s role.
“They are our biggest supporters and play an important role in volunteering their time to serve on committees and boards, mentor students, and support the work of CALS,” he added. “Providing opportunities for our alumni to be engaged is critical for the success of CALS, not only for their financial support but also providing opportunities for students to participate in research, gain valuable skills, and prepare for their careers.”
Radford has solid ties to NC State as a two-time CALS graduate, earning a B.S. in agricultural science and a Master of Science in agricultural and extension education and spending a summer as a 4-H Youth Livestock Program intern. During Radford’s graduate studies, he was a program assistant for the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission Agricultural Leadership Development Program.
Save the Date – CALS Tailgate
CALS Tailgate is around the corner – mark your calendars for a day of fun and football on Oct. 7, 2023. CALS Advancement will share more details this summer about Tailgate and how the CALS community can participate.
CALS Advancement is also actively recruiting volunteers for the CALS Alumni and Student Success program, which will launch soon, encouraging alumni to participate in this new effort to support students’ career goals in agriculture and the life sciences. For more information, visit the CASS webpage or contact him at daradfor@ncsu.edu.