Public Health Food Inspections Seminar Series
Learn about public health food inspections from FDA and NCDA experts at this upcoming seminar series.
Online Faculty Series: Mentoring Makes a Difference
"Mentoring Makes a Difference" is a three-part online faculty mentoring series that shares best practices and facilitates discussion about enhancing the mentorship of graduate students and post-docs.
Motherhood in Academia: Building Community in CALS
Join the CALS Community of Practice virtual session on Oct. 18 to discuss “Motherhood in Academia: Building Community in CALS” with Erin McKenney, assistant professor and director of undergraduate programs for the Department of Applied Ecology.
2023 Shelton Leadership Forum
This half-day virtual conference on Oct. 13 will focus on topics in leadership. This year's theme is "Rising Above Uncertainty: Building a Resilient Mindset for Effective Leadership."
First Annual Internship and Research Experience Symposium
Thirty-two CALS undergraduate and graduate students presented posters about their summer 2023 internship and research experiences, and over 100 students attended.
Wellness Webinars
University Human Resources will offer a slate of wellness webinars for staff and faculty in August and September.
Statewide Wellness Lunch and Learn on Metabolism
NC Office of State Human Resources Worksite Wellness presents a conversation on what affects metabolism and how we can improve it.
Walk this Way to Miles for Wellness
Join the Miles for Wellness program, a virtual, free, team-based walking initiative by and for the state employees of North Carolina.
Weekly Applied Ecology Seminars
Applied Ecology will host weekly, in-person seminars in David Clark Labs 101 every Thursday from 4-5 p.m.
Wellness Challenge: Hydrate the Pack
This five-day challenge is designed to help participants identify their personal water intake, learn about the benefits of good hydration and incorporate healthy drinking habits into their daily routine.