COVID-19 Updates

May 25, 2020

Protecting the Pack: How to Return to Work Safely

Over the weeks ahead, we expect to bring more employees back to campus, as appropriate, in a phased manner. To help our campus community plan for and execute a safe return to on-site work, the university created the NC State return-to-work guide.

May 18, 2020

Essentially CALS: Wayne Holder

Although many of us are working from home, a few necessary people must physically stay on campus to keep the CALS Community up and running. Check out our series Essentially CALS to learn more about our incredible community.

May 18, 2020

COVID -19 Preparing the Workplace for Return in Phase 1 Checklist

Before individuals return to campus, it is essential to prepare our work spaces. This includes cleaning and sanitation practices, as well as implementing measures to encourage natural social and physical distancing and posting signage about new and updated office safety protocols.

May 15, 2020

Personal Protective Equipment for Research

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) will provide personal protective equipment to all researchers. Off-campus research stations and field labs equipment will be transported by faculty, staff or students who are traveling to the sites from Raleigh.

May 5, 2020

A Conversation with Chancellor Woodson – NC State Extension

NC State University Chancellor Randy Woodson held a Zoom meeting with NC State's county Extension personnel to share university updates, answer timely questions and express gratitude for the tireless, impactful efforts of Extension employees across our state.

May 4, 2020

Dean’s Update and Rescheduled Town Hall

Next CALS Town Hall to be held on Friday, May 15. Dean Linton also shares updates for Academic Programs, Research, Extension, HR and CBO updates.

May 4, 2020

Essentially CALS: Diane Mays

Conservatory Curator Diane Mays is extremely talented and knowledgeable about plant care and plant propagation. We caught up with her to learn a little bit about maintaining the conservatory during this unusual time.

May 1, 2020

COVID-19 Campus Operations Catch Up

Emergency Management and Mission Continuity is providing a weekly brief of operational information, in efforts to share updates to units across campus. These briefs may be shared within units and will be updated weekly, for distribution on Mondays.

Apr 27, 2020  |  COVID-19 Updates

Call for Off-Campus Research Exemption Requests

The CALS Research and Extension offices are calling for faculty and Extension agents to submit exemption requests for critical off-campus research and demonstration projects planned for June 1 – August 15, 2020.

Apr 13, 2020

Essentially CALS: Anthony Buckner

Although many of us are working from home, a few necessary people must physically stay on campus to keep the CALS Community up and running. Check out our new series Essentially CALS to learn more about our incredible community.