Mollie Rappe
Apply for the 2022 Kriz Faculty Study Leave Endowment
The Kriz Faculty Study Leave Endowment was established to encourage CALS faculty to take off-campus scholarly assignments. Apply by November 19, for an award of $5,000 to support an approved out-of-state study leave.
CIPM Director Candidate Seminars
Three candidates for the Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM) director position will present their vision for the center in Zoom seminars over the next few weeks.
Call for Fall Off-Campus Research Exemption Requests
CALS Research and Extension offices are calling for faculty to submit exemption requests for new off-campus research and demonstration projects planned to be initiated between August 15 – December 31, 2020.
Plant Transformation Lab Welcomes New Director
On June 16, Kedong Da joined NC State as the director of the Plant Transformation Laboratory, which is located within the NC State Phytotron.
NCARS Assistant Director Candidate Seminars
Two candidates for the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS) Assistant Director, Life Sciences position will present their vision for the position the week of May 11.
Call for Off-Campus Research Exemption Requests
The CALS Research and Extension offices are calling for faculty and Extension agents to submit exemption requests for critical off-campus research and demonstration projects planned for June 1 – August 15, 2020.
Virtual Research Presentation Opportunity for Students
Graduate and undergraduate students who have had to miss out on presenting their research at scientific conferences due to the coronavirus pandemic are invited to participate in a new virtual event hosted by Sigma Xi.
Postponed: CALS and Department of Chemistry Lightning Round Lunch-and-Learn
Postponed: One PowerPoint slide and two minutes -- connect with colleagues in Chemistry to discover future interdisciplinary research.
Lake Wheeler Road Field Lab to Welcome New Coordinator
Bridget Lassiter will join the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service team as the Project and Field Lab Coordinator for the Lake Wheeler Road Field Lab.
Save The Date: Disruptive Biotechnologies in Forestry and Agriculture
The Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center will host a symposium on disruptive biotechnologies in forestry and agriculture on Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1 in the Duke Energy Hall of Hunt Library.