Join us Friday, March 12, at 9 a.m. for our next CALS Town Hall.
We will discuss the university’s plans for vaccinations, share updates on CALS and Extension summer programs, as well as plans for the Fall 2021 academic year. We will also share the latest news from CALS research, academic programs, Extension, HR, CBO, advancement, and CALS IT. We hope to see you there.
All COVID-19 related questions for the CALS Administrative team can be submitted at go.ncsu.edu/COVID19Questions.
Each session will be recorded and shared on the CALS Admin Updates – COVID-19 portal.
Friday, March 12, from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Zoom: go.ncsu.edu/CALSTownHall
YouTube: go.ncsu.edu/CALSLiveStream