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graduate red mortarboard hats

Nov 20, 2020

NC State Announces New Full-Ride Scholarship in Agronomy

NC State’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences is thrilled to announce the creation of a new full-ride undergraduate scholarship in agronomy. The scholarship endowment was created by Connie and Durwood Laughinghouse to celebrate the future of North Carolina farming.  

Man in red shirt standing on a grassy hill

Oct 19, 2020

Making Virtual Class Work

Thanks to wise planning and a hefty dose of creativity, Crop and Soil Sciences instructors are taking remote-learning students outside the classroom and even a bit further this year. 

Student in red hat digs in garden soil

Aug 17, 2020

STEM Careers Start with A College Major in Soil

We have one earth. It’s currently our single place in the universe on which to build our homes, feed our communities, and sustain life.  Soil is the common ground for a rich career field for anyone interested in STEM and environmental science. 

Woman kneeling in strawberry patch

May 18, 2020

Grower Spotlight: Pace Family Farms

Michelle Pace Davis is a sixth generation Johnston County farmer who has learned the importance of farm adaptability, ag education and customer connections. Part of her farm’s mission is to invite and to educate - including students from her alma mater. 

tractor pulls a planter across an empty field

May 4, 2020

#StillFarming and #StillStudying

For many of our students, returning home for online classes meant returning to work. Daniel McDonald's family operates McDonald Brothers Farm in Red Springs, NC. Online classes have to fit into farm work. 

boy in red shirt planting vegetable seeds in the ground

Apr 30, 2020

Duplin County 4-H Sprouts Online Programs

Unwilling to lose touch with her 4-H students, Duplin County Extension Program Assistant and NC State student Charmae Kendall launched several online activities for 4-Hers stuck at home. 

Woman in plaid jacket driving a tractor

Apr 23, 2020

Student Spotlight: Mary Grace Phillips, Full-Time Student & Healthcare Worker

We talked with Mary Grace Phillips, a Crop and Soil Sciences undergraduate, about experiencing the COVID-19 fight first-hand. She is a junior majoring in agroecology and community food systems while working full time in the healthcare field.   

A bronze wolf statue sits atop a rock

Apr 16, 2020

Thoughts from a 2020 graduate: A season of loss & gratitude…

The following is a blog post from Isabella Rocco, a graduating senior in communications, who took Bob Patterson's World Population and Food Prospects class (STS 323) in her first semester at NC State. We are happy to share Isabella's words of encouragement (with permission) to fellow students.  

Apr 13, 2020

Agroecology Farm Goes Solo with Big Impact

NC State’s Agroecology Education Farm is normally a bustling hub of student and volunteer activity.  But now, farm manager Alison Reeves is farming solo but making a big impact on campus and in the community. 

student sitting alone at a desk studying

Apr 10, 2020

Students Consider Course Grading Choices

The hurdles of online learning are causing students to question whether they should maintain the standard course grading scale for their classes, or consider switching to another option such as S/U (pass/fail) or an “incomplete” designation.