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online learning

Man in red shirt standing on a grassy hill

Oct 19, 2020

Making Virtual Class Work

Thanks to wise planning and a hefty dose of creativity, Crop and Soil Sciences instructors are taking remote-learning students outside the classroom and even a bit further this year. 

Woman in red shirt performing a test tube experiment

Jun 1, 2020

SATELLITE Camp: Experimenting with College

NC State students don’t just learn from instructors, some of them become one. SATELLITE Camp is a STEM high school outreach program led by NC State Caldwell Fellows and other undergraduate students. Thanks to quick teamwork, the event was held virtually this year.   

tractor pulls a planter across an empty field

May 4, 2020

#StillFarming and #StillStudying

For many of our students, returning home for online classes meant returning to work. Daniel McDonald's family operates McDonald Brothers Farm in Red Springs, NC. Online classes have to fit into farm work. 

boy in red shirt planting vegetable seeds in the ground

Apr 30, 2020

Duplin County 4-H Sprouts Online Programs

Unwilling to lose touch with her 4-H students, Duplin County Extension Program Assistant and NC State student Charmae Kendall launched several online activities for 4-Hers stuck at home. 

Woman in plaid jacket driving a tractor

Apr 23, 2020

Student Spotlight: Mary Grace Phillips, Full-Time Student & Healthcare Worker

We talked with Mary Grace Phillips, a Crop and Soil Sciences undergraduate, about experiencing the COVID-19 fight first-hand. She is a junior majoring in agroecology and community food systems while working full time in the healthcare field.   

Group of faces from an online conference call

Apr 20, 2020

High Schoolers Grow Into Scholars at NC Youth Institute

“How will we sustainably feed 10 billion people by 2050 with less land and water, and with erratic weather patterns?” asked Barbara Stinson, President of the World Food Prize. “Future agricultural leaders must answer these questions.”  

student sitting alone at a desk studying

Apr 10, 2020

Students Consider Course Grading Choices

The hurdles of online learning are causing students to question whether they should maintain the standard course grading scale for their classes, or consider switching to another option such as S/U (pass/fail) or an “incomplete” designation. 

woman on laptop with a cup of coffee

Apr 2, 2020

Coffee Talks Brew Online Community

NC State transitioned to online classes almost three weeks ago. In a department built on personal communication, Crop and Soil Sciences’ Director of Undergraduate Programs David Crouse recognized the gap and has started weekly student-faculty coffee talks. 

Apr 1, 2020

Small Grains Field Day Goes Virtual

The Small Grains Field Day was supposed to happen on Wednesday, March 18, at the Piedmont Research Station in Salisbury. Everything that would have been presented in-person at the field day was instead recorded and published in videos – creating the Small Grains Virtual Field Day.