
Jan 24, 2024  |  News and Events

7th Biennial Plant Breeding Symposium: “Breeding for Balance: Plant and Human Wellbeing”

The Graduate Student Plant Breeding Club invites you to their upcoming Plant Breeding Symposium on Thursday Februrary 1, 2024 in the Talley Student Union.

Sep 25, 2023  |  Research

Could Biostimulants Save Doomed Cotton Seedlings?

Lori Unruh-Snyder discovered that cotton seed damage locations and patterns can accurately predict seedling performance. Now, they are testing ways growers could overcome these deficits.

Feb 16, 2022  |  Honors and Awards

Kuraparthy Awarded For Cotton Improvement Research

For his exceptional contributions to cotton genetics understanding and plant improvement, Vasu Kuraparthy, received the Cotton Genetics Research Award from the National Cotton Council of America.

Jun 21, 2021  |  Extension

New Extension Podcast Puts Crop Expertise In Your Pocket

Crop Sense is Morgan’s new agricultural podcast that provides current, topical expertise on North Carolina field crops. “The information is similar to what’s covered in-depth at a winter meeting, but it comes out during the season and tackles topics that are top of mind for NC growers.”

Oct 22, 2020  |  Honors and Awards

Candace Haigler Awarded for Cotton Fiber Research

NC State cotton fiber scientist Candace Haigler is the first recipient of the 2020 Women in Agriculture Biotechnology and Genetics Award from Cotton Incorporated.

Jun 8, 2020  |  Extension

Decision Tools Bolster Cotton Picks

Not all farms grow food. Cotton is NC’s second-largest cash crop with over a half-million acres grown each year. NC State Crop and Soil Sciences Extension offers agronomic decision tools to help growers navigate their way to success.

Nov 8, 2019  |  Research

Moving Technology From Wish List to Workhorses

Research happens on every plane at NC State.  We’re working above ground, below, and in the air to produce discoveries.