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High School Hunger Heroes Invited!

All high school youth are invited to join us for the 2022 North Carolina Youth Institute (NCYI), a program that provides a platform for youth to research and give recommendations to solve key global challenges that range from food insecurity, access to potable water, poverty, human rights, engineering issues, and more.
  • Write a paper: Youth select a country besides their own and research the challenges families face around food and write a paper with proposed community-based solutions.
  • Youth present their paper to their peers at the in-person NCYI at NC State and work collectively to find common themes around global hunger.
  • Participate in hands-on workshops. Youth will have a chance to explore hands-on sessions led by faculty across CALS to learn more about NC agriculture and food systems.
  • Become a Borlaug Scholar. After participating in the NCYI, youth will be named a Borlaug Scholar by the World Food Prize.
The NCYI is hosted by NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and is a part of the World Food Prize’s Global Youth Institute.
Youth will need to register and submit their paper by March 4th, 2022 and the in-person, one-day NCYI will be held at NC State on Friday, April 1st, 2022.
If you have any questions or to learn more about the process of this program, contact the North Carolina Youth Institute State Coordinator Dr. Lori Unruh Snyder at | (919) 515-4070 or Liz Driscoll, | (919.886.3424)