Teaching Gardens Get New Neighbors & Horsepower
Crop and Soil Sciences is home to two teaching gardens, previously separated by miles - in distance and approach. Now, the gap has narrowed to a 50-foot perennial grass buffer.
$10M grant to NC State, USDA-ARS to advance cover crops, transform agriculture
Chris Reberg-Horton, a professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, will co-lead a five-year, $10 million grant to improve the sustainability and profitability of agriculture by advancing the study and use of cover crops such as rye, clover and radishes.
Moving Technology From Wish List to Workhorses
Research happens on every plane at NC State. We’re working above ground, below, and in the air to produce discoveries.
Interpreting the Growing Field of On-Farm Data
NC State researchers recently completed a study illustrating the dilemma farmers face when evaluating if a high tech investment will reap reliable farm results.
A Celebration of Innovation
10,091,963 was a number of prime importance in 2018. It was the second patent number issued jointly to Drs. Ralph Dewey and Ramsey Lewis last year.
Mapping Wetland Soils Guides NC Coastal Land Use
Salt and sediment usually convey a negative connotation in environmental contexts. But researchers like Dr. Matthew Ricker, NC State Crop & Soil Sciences, report that their threat or value depends on where they occur.
Bringing Out the BESST in Geoscience Research
For the fifth consecutive year, 10 unacquainted college students piled into a van for a beach road trip. They headed east to the North Carolina sand but not to sun on it.
Eastern Regional Small Grains Genotyping Laboratory Increases Returns on Wheat Breeders’ Investment
“It’s revolutionizing wheat breeding in the public sector in the south—well, everywhere. This lab is revolutionizing public wheat breeding in the south and eastern United States.”
Tom Isleib unveils high-oleic version of popular peanut cultivar
At his final field day as NC State’s peanut breeder, Tom Isleib announced the release of Bailey II, a high-oleic version of the highly popular Bailey variety released in 2008.
Industrial Hemp Program Coordinator Hired
Emily Febles, a national leader in industrial hemp policy, joins NC State University as the Industrial Hemp Program Coordinator.