Jennifer Howard

Aug 7, 2023  |  Gifts and Awards

Turfgrass Field Lab Receives Generous Gift

NC State's Department of Crop and Soil Sciences is honored to announce a generous estate gift from the late Stephen B. Womble to our Lake Wheeler Turfgrass Field Laboratory. 

Jul 18, 2023  |  Extension

New Online Tool Maps ‘Beans Gone Wild’

NC State Extension released an online tracking tool called Beans Gone Wild to capture and share in-season soybean problems and recommendations across the state. 

May 17, 2023  |  Extension

Gatiboni Returns USAID via Uzbekistan

In March, Soil Fertility Specialist Luke Gatiboni spent two weeks volunteering with USAID to train Uzbek farmers in an effort to return a lifelong favor. 

May 8, 2023  |  Research

Climate Change Brings the Tide to Farmers’ Doorsteps

Climate change is causing sea level rise and increased flooding, threatening North Carolina’s most fertile agricultural land with saltwater intrusion. NC State researchers are testing soils and developing field kits to help farmers quickly adapt to changing conditions.

May 1, 2023  |  Research

Agriculture’s Promised Land?

As major companies pledge support for regenerative agriculture, researchers and growers question what role it can play in North Carolina agriculture’s future.

Apr 24, 2023  |  Student Groups

HortPack Competes at the 2023 National Landscape Competition

For the first time in four years, the HortPack student competition team traveled to participate in the 2023 National Collegiate Landscape Competition.

Apr 17, 2023

Earth Day Special Highlights Soil-Based Solutions

In an Earth Day broadcast special, PBS North Carolina examines natural solutions research on carbon removal and capture by two soil science faculty.

Mar 22, 2023  |  Extension

Fortifying Organic Growers With Agricultural Research

In March, North Carolina State University and the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA) co-hosted their twelfth annual Organic Livestock and Commodities Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Mar 22, 2023

Open Sesame Seeds

For a farmer interested in trying a new crop, a trial run is anything but free. If a crop fails, there’s a real financial consequence. In this Food, Farms & You podcast, alternative crops Extension specialist David Suchoff talks about opportunities in sesame.

Mar 6, 2023  |  Research

SunGrains Collective Sets The Model For Collaborative Plant Breeding

Small grains breeder Paul Murphy is a founding member of a multi-university breeding program that has become the model for larger producing regions and even other crops.