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Jennifer Howard

NC State's Owen Duckworth works in his soil biogeochemistry lab

Nov 27, 2023

Unearthing Soil Solutions for Arsenic Remediation

Arsenic naturally occurs in many North Carolina soils. Owen Duckworth’s lab collaborates with the University of North Carolina’s Superfund Research Program to understand the distribution and effects of naturally occurring arsenic in North Carolina. 

NC State turfgrass alumnus Danny Losito is the head groundskeeper for the Carolina Panthers.

Nov 20, 2023

I Am CALS: Danny Losito

From the Super Bowl to Beyoncé concerts, CALS alum Danny Losito has built an impressive resume. And now he’s got one of the rarest jobs in the country: one of only 30 director-level turfgrass managers for the NFL. 

Nov 13, 2023

NC State Extension Adds New Conservation Agronomy Specialist

Austin Menker joins NC State Extension in conservation agronomy as part of a Farmers for Soil Health cover crop initative. 

North Carolina soybean breeding plots flooded for research evaluation.

Nov 6, 2023

USDA-ARS Releases Novel Flood-Tolerant Soybean Germplasm

Ben Fall and the USDA-ARS Soybean Nitrogen Fixation Research Unit has released the first maturity group (MG) VI flood-tolerant soybean line with commercially competitive yield and elevated seed oil. 

NC State freshman Sarah Bailey accepts a first place award at the 2023 Eastern Collegiate Soil Judging Competition.

Nov 1, 2023

Sarah Bailey: Fresh From the Pit

Sarah Bailey is a freshman majoring in soil science, who just won first place in college soil judging -- her first time out. 

Oct 9, 2023

A New Leaf in Tobacco Breeding

Tobacco is still a major North Carolina cash crop. Ramsey Lewis' modern Nicotiana research ranges from the agronomic improvement of commercial varieties to the genus’ broader use as a model plant.   

National Extension Specialists Collaborate to Help Soybean Farmers

Oct 4, 2023

National Extension Specialists Collaborate to Help Soybean Farmers

Extension soybean specialists from around the United States came to North Carolina in August to exchange ideas, evaluate research, and develop information to help growers optimize production of the important crop. 

Close up of a split immature cotton boll

Sep 25, 2023

Could Biostimulants Save Doomed Cotton Seedlings?

Lori Unruh-Snyder discovered that cotton seed damage locations and patterns can accurately predict seedling performance. Now, they are testing ways growers could overcome these deficits. 

Evelyn McAdam with hemp research poster

Sep 18, 2023

Evelyn McAdam: Weaving the Fabric of Sustainable Agriculture

Evelyn McAdam, a junior Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems major, conducted a research fellowship in Amanda Cardoso’s crop physiology lab, researching flood response in fiber hemp.  

USDA-ARS breaks ground on the new Plant Improvement Facility at NC State's Lake Wheeler Road Field Laboratory.

Sep 13, 2023

USDA-ARS Breaks Ground on New Plant Improvement Facility on NC State University Campus

USDA-ARS breaks ground on a state-of-the-art plant improvement facility housing 30-40 experts from ARS and NC State who will conduct research on maize, soybean, wheat, cotton and peanuts.