Stories From May 2023
Gatiboni Returns USAID via Uzbekistan
In March, Soil Fertility Specialist Luke Gatiboni spent two weeks volunteering with USAID to train Uzbek farmers in an effort to return a lifelong favor.
Climate Change Brings the Tide to Farmers’ Doorsteps
Climate change is causing sea level rise and increased flooding, threatening North Carolina’s most fertile agricultural land with saltwater intrusion. NC State researchers are testing soils and developing field kits to help farmers quickly adapt to changing conditions.
Agroecology Graduate Looks Forward to Applying Her Degree
A specialized degree in agroecology brought Charlotte Yancey to NC State. Small classes, helpful professors and leadership opportunities prepared her for the professional opportunities ahead.
Agriculture’s Promised Land?
As major companies pledge support for regenerative agriculture, researchers and growers question what role it can play in North Carolina agriculture’s future.