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2020 Year In Review Available

Detours. This year has been about finding alternate routes – in our work and in life. In the midst of endless logistical recalculations, it is apparent that our population’s needs haven’t changed. The demand to sustainably feed our growing population and improve our environmental footprint won’t wait for a more convenient time. 

Success Beyond the Detours

Crop and Soil Sciences’ work is always endurance-based, with each short term gain contributing to long term objectives. But our collective, best-laid plans stumbled in 2020. This year we had to make novel choices to maintain a cadence of progress. Through individual creativity and a forward-focused determination, we found success through virtual teaching, private donor partnerships, and a voluminous library of Extension support – all beyond the norm.

hand holding soybean pods

Take a Look Back

We are pleased to invite you for a look back at some of Crop and Soil Sciences’ highlights of 2020. Our teams in academics, research and Extension pushed forward and through the pandemic to produce a year of overwhelming accomplishment despite frustrations and hardship. Their wins shine as triumphs in a prolonged season of doubts.

You’ll see a series of personal and solutions-based impacts unfold in retrospect. Our mission-driven team made the difference and converted opportunities in every program area into reality. 

Thank You

Thank you for your mutual commitment to the essential work in Crop and Soil Sciences. We invite you to join us again in 2021 as we continue, undeterred, in growing the future.

Happy Trails,

Dr. Jeff Mullahey

Professor and Department Head

NC State Department of Crop and Soil Sciences