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Michelle Jewell

Oct 7, 2019

Bombs For Butterflies – An Interview With Dr. Nick Haddad

I sat with Dr. Nick Haddad ahead of his evening with us on October 15th to chat about bombs, indictments, and burning wetlands… you know, butterfly basics.   

Oct 3, 2019

Recruiting New Team Sourdough Members

We don't yet have a full understanding of the microbes that make our daily breads, even though humans have been making breads for over 10,000 years!  That's why Dr. Erin McKenney and Prof. Rob Dunn are recruiting members to Team Sourdough. 

Sep 13, 2019

If You Build It, They Will Come: Saving the Carolina Madtom

Carolina madtoms are catfish native to only two rivers in North Carolina facing a steep decline. The short-term answer? Madtom motels. 

Aug 27, 2019

Endangered Woodrats Recover After Exotic Predator Expulsion

Applied Ecology and NC Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit post-doc, Michael Cove, used camera traps to assess how woodrats would recover after feral cats and Burmese pythons were removed from Key Largo. 

NC State Pond Management Guide

Aug 20, 2019

Revised and Expanded Pond Management Guide Published

The guide has comprehensive information and resources on managing ponds for recreational fishing, as well as a variety of related issues. 

Aug 12, 2019

Los Trituradores No Dan la Talla en los Ríos Urbanos

Imagínese una hoja grande que flota en un arroyo: la temperatura del agua y el aire, la química del agua, los microbios, los insectos, el flujo del agua, la carga de sedimentos y la forma del canal del arroyo afectan la velocidad de descomposición de la hoja. 

Aquatic research on larvae insects

Aug 9, 2019

Missing Shredders Can’t Cut It in Urban Streams

Decomposition is a team sport that requires nearly every player in an ecosystem, biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living), to work together. Prof. Alonso Ramirez's latest work measures decomposition rates in urban and rural streams. 

Brendan Runde awarded conservation leadership scholarship

Aug 7, 2019

Brendan Runde Awarded Conservation Leadership Scholarship

The North Carolina Wildlife Federation scholarship program helps hundreds of North Carolina students pursue their dreams of studying and working in the conservation field.   

Aug 5, 2019

Elle Allen’s Micrograph Selected for the Journal of Phycology Cover

Her micrograph is from the center's latest research that describes a new genus and species of toxic cyanobacteria, the Odorella benthonica, which was discovered in an aqueduct outside of Los Angeles, California. 

Jul 26, 2019

April Lamb Awarded Noreen Clough Memorial Scholarship

Applied Ecology master’s student, April Lamb, received the Noreen Clough Memorial Scholarship for Females in Fisheries.