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November 2020

Black bear image provided by Diana Lafferty.

Nov 30, 2020

Basic Bear Bowels Beget Barren Gut Biomes

Scientists have discovered that being a carnivore doesn't require as many guts as previously thought.  

Nov 25, 2020

Robots, Honey Bees, and Disease: Three Perspectives on the Next Thousand Years of Pollination

Most of our foods come from a few pollinator species, and with the rise of several global generation challenges, undergraduate Sarah Krementz asks, what does the future of pollination look like in 100 or 1000 years? 

Nov 19, 2020

More Transparency Recommended for Gene-Edited Crops

NC State researchers suggest mechanism to provide more information about biotech crops and products. 

Nov 19, 2020

Watch the 2020 Applied Ecology Minor Research Symposia

Congratulations to the 2020 Applied Ecology minors for these great talks! Watch them all here. 

Nov 17, 2020

Study Finds Some Sport Fish Are Caught Repeatedly – Which Could Throw Off Population Estimates

Tagged fish are being caught more than anyone thought, which raises fisheries policy questions. 

Monarch butterflies on a milkweed plant

Nov 17, 2020

Ask an Ecologist: Do Monarch Butterflies Overwinter in North Carolina?

Elsa helps out Tamsin with her question about a late-season monarch she spotted in her garden. 

Linnea Andersen

Nov 10, 2020

Linnea Andersen Awarded Coastal Conservation Association Scholarship

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Linnea Andersen for being awarded the 2020 North Carolina Coastal Conservation Association's David and Ann Speaks Scholarship! 

Nov 9, 2020

Black Ecologists Look to Offer Support, Recruit Next Generation

An NC State ecologist is working to offer support and encouragement to Black professionals and students. 

Nov 6, 2020

Grow Box Gets Kids Growing — Fall Vegetables, That Is

Family life tends to run in constant motion, and the hectic pace can make it hard to slow down, spend time with each other and celebrate cherished relationships. Enter the Grow Box.