NCCE Conference 2018: Worskshop for Farm Business Economics

Agricultural and Resource Economics area experts gave a presentation on business economics on November 14th, 2018 at the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Conference.
Department Extension Leader Nick Piggott introduced ARE’s newest Extension faculty members Heidi Schweizer and Eric Edwards. Heidi studies the intersection of infrastructure, policy, and technology and their effects along the supply chain. Her recent interests include the newly required electronic logging devices mandated for truckers to log their hours of service, with some exemptions, and how that affects growers. She is also investigating how block-chain affects upstream operations. Eric Edwards studies water in agriculture, water table management, water quality, low cost abatement, climate change, adaptation, irrigation, and water conservation.
Nick Piggott gave a grain report emphasizing the current cost price squeeze which is mostly due to the success of modern agriculture. He also touched on trade war-tariffs and the feed grain deficit in North Carolina.
Andrew Branan reported on his current Sandhills Farm Succession meetings, his work with the Land Summit, his research on voluntary agricultural districts, and the legal implications of selling raw milk and cow ownership. He also introduced the topic of farm succession which Guido van der Hoeven added to. Guido also explained the changes in current tax law and its effects on business owners and individuals.
Rod Rejesus closed the workshops with an update on the progress of the 2018 Farm Bill. The Farm Bill has been languishing in Congress over the possible work requirement for SNAP benefits, among other issues. Rod also explained the administration’s trade aid policy meant to support farmers during the current trade dispute with China. Rod encouraged the agents to promote the market facilitation program among farmers so that they can be compensated for lost income.
For more information about any of these topics please reach out to the area specialists or see their presentation PowerPoint below.
Guido van der Hoeven: Tax Law Changes
Rejesus: Farm Bill and Trade Aid