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2018 Economic Outlook: A Shift to a Higher Gear?

NC State belltower on a sunny day
Mike Walden, Professor and Extension Economist, NC State University

After experiencing modest economic growth in the recovery since the Great Recession, optimism took over in late 2017 as growth hit an annual rate of 3 percent or better for two consecutive quarters. Other measures also indicated renewed vitality, including consumer spending, manufacturing production, and both consumer and business optimism.

Is this optimism for real, and if so, will it extend into 2018 — and perhaps beyond? What are the factors behind the late 2017 surge in economic performance, and how much is due to private factors versus policy initiatives?

In this NC State Economist issue, Walden highlights why 2018 should be a year of further economic growth for North Carolina, but beneath the generally positive statewide picture, lingering economic disparities are yet to be closed.

Topics include:

  • A look at 2017
  • National forecasts for 2018
  • Is growth due to policy or position?
  • The North Carolina economy: how strong, how broad?

Read the full issue of the NC State Economist by clicking the button below.

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