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N.C. PSI News

Ross Sozzani in a greenhouse

Feb 8, 2021

PSI Profile: Ross Sozzani, Platform Director for Plant Improvement

The plant improvement platform director for the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative shares her vision: collaboration, innovative crop technologies and students ready for the workforce. 

A rendering of the Plant Sciences Building

Feb 8, 2021

Launch Director’s Report: Progress in Challenging Times

In spite of all the challenges, the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative made great strides in 2020. Launch Director Steve Briggs shares the initiative's progress on people and facilities in his last Launch Director's Report. 

A man wearing a white hard hat at the construction site of the new N.C. PSI building.

Jan 18, 2021

PSI Profile: Geoff Bock, Interim Director of Operations

One of the first people tapped with turning the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative vision into a reality was CALS alumnus Geoff Bock. Hired in 2016 as the project manager, Bock now also serves as the interim director of operations. 

A small white box on PVC pipe poles over plots of soybeans in sandy soil.

Dec 9, 2020

Fiber Internet and More: NC State Research Stations Go Digital

CALS is investing in high-speed internet and other digital systems at its research stations and field labs to ensure these vital facilities will help keep North Carolina agriculture growing. 

Man with drone flying over farm field

Dec 8, 2020

Initiatives to Make N.C. Agriculture a $100 Billion Powerhouse

Three major NC State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences initiatives aim to transform agriculture and agribusiness. 


Nov 30, 2020

Partner Profile: North Carolina SweetPotato Commission

The commission is specifically interested in identifying new varieties of sweetpotatoes that are resistant to pests and disease, easier to harvest and require less infrastructure for curing, all while protecting taste and quality standards. 

Cranos Williams in front of Hunt Library

Nov 18, 2020

PSI Profile: Cranos Williams, Platform Director for Data-Driven Plant Sciences

Cranos Williams, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been named the director of the Data-Driven Plant Sciences platform for the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative. 

A corn field in North Carolina

Oct 27, 2020

NC State Teams Up with SAS and Microsoft to Predict Plant Disease and Tackle Food Recalls

The North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative has teamed up with technology leaders SAS and Microsoft to predict plant disease and tackle food recalls. Several research teams will use cloud and internet of things (IoT) services from SAS and Microsoft for their interdisciplinary projects. 

An ear of corn on a farm in North Carolina

Oct 12, 2020

Grant Continues Support of Crop DNA Replication Research

A new NSF grant will allow two Plant and Microbial Biology professors to continue their work of 17 years unraveling how plants control DNA replication and how this influences agronomic traits. 

Hannah Burrack in front of a corn field.

Oct 7, 2020

N.C. PSI Names New Platform Directors

The North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative named four new platform directors and the interim director of operations. These leaders will guide the initiative’s research, Extension and education activities.