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Poultry Science Club elects new 2017-2018 President, Susan Jones

New Poultry Science Club President Susan Jones.

NC State Prestage Department of Poultry Science (PDPS) senior Susan Jones accepted her nomination as the 2017-2018 Poultry Science Club (PSC) President. 

Jones, a double major in Poultry Science and Agricultural Education, is an active member of PSC, as well as a member of the NC State Club Softball Team, Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Ambassador-Outreach Advisor and CALS Honors Program.

Jones joined PSC in the spring of 2016; last year she served as the Historian where she was responsible for the creation of the scrapbook for the club.

“When I think of PSC, I think of family.  Everyone is so welcoming and friendly. PSC is a place where many different people come together to share their passion for poultry while serving the community,” Jones said.

When Jones joined PSC, she said she felt as though the club gave her a sense of belonging. “It helped me get more involved and meet many people,” she said. “The club also encouraged my passion for poultry; without it, I would just be minoring in poultry science! I was also very encouraged by members of the club to join the major.  PSC has allowed me to not only practice my public speaking skills through community events such as the NC State Fair, Ag Awareness Week, Farm Animal Days, etc., but it has also provided me with a community of people that I genuinely enjoy spending time with.”

In the upcoming year, Jones wants PSC to be more well known throughout the campus and community.

She said, “PSC is an asset to the university and to the poultry industry.  I genuinely believe that it is important to showcase the many successes of the club — this could be through articles, social media posts, our website and more.  I want to show people that the members are the working gears behind the club and without all of their hard work, it wouldn’t succeed.”

Jones hopes to serve as the face of the organization and as a positive influence for younger members, as well as older members. “I hope to increase the number of underclassmen students in the club.  This can be done through outreach and by making them feel welcomed, especially in their first two years,” she said.

Jones decided to run for the presidency to “help keep the club moving forward” and assist in its expansion. “I want more and more students to be positively impacted by PSC, just as I was.  It’s important for members to have a place where they can come and unwind, meet new friends and serve the poultry community.  Underclassmen are the future of the club and I believe that their membership is important so that they can learn and develop skills needed to serve the club and industry in the future,” she said.

Jones will be assisted by Ben Alig, vice president, Ana Telkamp, secretary, Lauren Perkins, treasurer, Sierra Kerns, historian, Hannah Lunsford, website manager, Hannah Robinson and Courtney Johnson, service co-chairs and Lisa O’Quinn and Alex Kissinger, agri-life co-chairs.