Apr 29, 2020
Mike Yoder of NC State Extension and Allen Boyette of NC State Facilities have joined North Carolina’s frontline effort to address food production and distribution issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Apr 20, 2020
As part of a continuing series of conversations about COVID–19 Prof. Rob Dunn sat virtually with Prof. Linsey Marr, Prof. Matt Koci, and Prof. Jack Gilbert to chat about the six feet rule.
A lot has changed since December, when Dan Campeau retired. In the midst of alternative work arrangements in response to COVID-19, we're happy to welcome Jonas Asbill, our new poultry Area Specialized Agent.
Apr 9, 2020
We asked Lisa O'Quinn, our new CEU Research Technician what it's like to start a new job during COVID-19. She's got a unique perspective: she started out as an NC State student, graduated into our alumni family and then came back to work with us!
CALS SAIGE hosted NC State Ph.D. (Poultry Science) student Dannica Wall for an eye-opening presentation on her time spent in Djilor, Senegal. Wall went abroad through Farmer to Farmer, a USAID-funded program that works to increase agricultural productivity and sustainable farming practices, and strengthen existing institutions.