From assistant professors to research specialists to assistant Extension agents, CALS welcomed 12 new employees in July.
Let’s give a big Wolfpack welcome to the newest members of the CALS community!
Name | Job Title | Department | Email Address |
Wang, Zhenxuan | Asst Professor | Ag & Resource Economics | zwang94@ncsu.edu |
Brown, Nicholas Walton | Asst Extension Professor | Ag & Resource Economics | nwbrown2@ncsu.edu |
Custer, Christopher Allan | Postdoctoral Research Scholar | Applied Ecology | cacuster@ncsu.edu |
Bai, Geng | Asst Professor | Biological And Agricultural Engineering | gbai@ncsu.edu |
Bybee-Finley, Kristine Ann | Asst Professor | Crop & Soil Sciences | kabybeef@ncsu.edu |
Joyner, Chase Allan | Research Specialist-Nonexempt | Crop & Soil Sciences | cajoyner@ncsu.edu |
Lytch, Lewis Laurin | Research Specialist-Nonexempt | Crop & Soil Sciences | lllytch@ncsu.edu |
Carion, Calliope Marisa | University Program Associate | Ctr for Env Farming Sys (CEFS) | cmcarion@ncsu.edu |
Love, Erika Nicole | Program Assistant | Northeast District – Northampton | enlove@ncsu.edu |
Hamiliton, Anna Auman | Asst Extension Agent | South Central District – Montgomery | aahamili@ncsu.edu |
Badger, Jennifer Caroline | Asst Area Spec Agent | West District – County Operations | jcbadger@ncsu.edu |
Edwards, Lindsey Nicole | Asst Extension Agent | West District – Polk | lnedwar6@ncsu.edu |