Welcome CALS New Hires

Sunlight shining from behind wolf sculpture

From postdoctoral research scholars to program managers to assistant Extension agents, CALS welcomed 19 new employees in June.

Let’s give a big Wolfpack welcome to the newest members of the CALS community!

Name Job Title Department Email Address
Campbell, Lydia Catherine Program Manager Applied Ecology lccampb2@ncsu.edu
Barker, Jackson Leon Research Technician-Nonexempt Butner Beef Cattle Field Lab jlbarke2@ncsu.edu
Adusumelli, Vyshnavi IT Architect/Engineer I Crop & Soil Sciences vadusum@ncsu.edu
Lee, Bethany Grace Public Comm Specialist Crop & Soil Sciences bglee3@ncsu.edu
Cruz, Luisa Fernanda Research Scholar Entomology & Plant Pathology lfcruz@ncsu.edu
Chepiha, Alona Postdoctoral Research Scholar Food,Bioprocess & Nutrition Sc achepih@ncsu.edu
Ullah, Sikandar Aman Postdoctoral Research Scholar Horticultural Science sullah2@ncsu.edu
Marshall, Gregory Allen Research Technician-Nonexempt Mountain Horticultural Crops R gamarsh2@ncsu.edu
Ellington, Michael Allen Asst Extension Agent North Central District – Vance maelling@ncsu.edu
Carlson, Jamie Patricia Program Assistant Northeast District – Pitt jpcarlso@ncsu.edu
Robinson, Dillon Michael Asst Extension Agent Northeast District- Warren dmrobin5@ncsu.edu
Mwangi, Samuel Njoroge Extension Specialist Prestage Poultry Science snmwangi@ncsu.edu
Bass, Michael Lynn Research Technician-Nonexempt Prestage Poultry Science mlbass4@ncsu.edu
Locklear, David Aaron Research Technician-Nonexempt Sandhills Research Station dalockl3@ncsu.edu
Newman, Sarah E. Asst Extension Agent South Central District- Cabarr senewma2@ncsu.edu
Welke, Kristine Denise Asst Area Agent Southeast District – Jones kdwelke@ncsu.edu
McCullough, Jordan David Research Technician-Nonexempt University Field Laboratories jdmccul2@ncsu.edu
Weiss, Brent Alexander Research Specialist-Nonexempt Upper Piedmont Research Statio baweiss@ncsu.edu
Ward, Madilyn Erin Asst Extension Agent West District – Mitchell meward8@ncsu.edu
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