Call for Fall Off-Campus Research Exemption Requests
CALS Research and Extension offices are calling for faculty to submit exemption requests for new off-campus research and demonstration projects planned to be initiated between August 15 – December 31, 2020.
Call for Off-Campus Research Exemption Requests
The CALS Research and Extension offices are calling for faculty and Extension agents to submit exemption requests for critical off-campus research and demonstration projects planned for June 1 – August 15, 2020.
Guidance for Research Exemptions and Temporary Mandatory Employee Status
As requests for critical research exemptions and temporary mandatory employees are approved by upper administration, it is necessary to comply with the rules associated with these approvals. Detailed instructions included within.
Guidance for Extension Event/Training Delivery
Canceling events does not mean canceling Extension. Our work must continue and the needs of our farmers, our youth, and the public at large will certainly not diminish. Let’s work to make sure our impact is not diminished.