Employee Engagement Survey

NC State belltower

In a few weeks, the University of North Carolina system and NC State will launch a system-wide employee engagement survey. The survey will occur annually over the next five years.

The survey is part of a five-year project developed by the University of North Carolina system to help achieve the goals of the UNC strategic plan. It also aligns with the goals of the NC State strategic plan, Pathway to the Future.

This is a significant new endeavor both for NC State and for the UNC system, and is being implemented as part of the UNC system’s Higher Expectations 2017-2022 strategic plan.

The survey is being administered by ModernThink, an independent management consulting firm, to all permanent full-time (75 percent time or more) faculty and staff employed as of December 2017.

The data collected will establish baseline metrics and allow university leadership to build on success and address challenges. The survey results may also assist the UNC system in advocating for improvements to human resource policies at the statewide level that are generally beyond the university’s institutional control.

The first survey will be distributed the week of Jan. 29 with responses due by Feb. 12 and will take about 20 minutes to complete.

Click here for more information