Title: IPM Hour – Southern Edition; Extension IPM in Arkansas & Managing Insecticide Resistance in Diamondback Moth
Date: Wednesday February 3, 2021
Time: 1pm Eastern
The Southern IPM Center’s “IPM Hour – Southern Edition” presents research, issues, and programs in Integrated Pest Management from the Southern Region of the United States. The IPM Hour takes place on the first Wednesday of the every month at 1pm Eastern.
February Presentations:
Glenn Studebaker
University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
Arkansas Extension Implementation Program
David G. Riley
University of Georgia Research Foundation Inc.
A MultiState Approach To Quantifying And Managing Insecticide Resistance In Plutella Xylostella The Diamondback Moth In Cole Crops
Recordings of the webinars will be available after the event.
See upcoming IPM Hours at https://southernipm.org/ipmhour/