The university is now requiring supply purchases less than $250 to be made through NC State’s electronic MarketPlace system, whenever possible. Beginning October 9, the university will seek justification from all CALS purchasers for voucher requests for supply purchases totaling $250 or less.
The university expects purchasers to shop MarketPlace first and, barring that, use PCards second to address small dollar supply needs. The university recognizes that there may be instances when that is not possible (e.g., unavailability of the supplies via MarketPlace, emergency need, or the vendor does not accept p-cards) and will work with purchasers in those instances. The CALS CBO recommends all purchasers begin now to shop MarketPlace first for all supply purchases less than $250, to avoid university scrutiny come October 9.
For more information and frequently asked questions, please visit: http://harvest.cals.ncsu.edu/site/WebFile/shop-the-marketplace-first.pdf.
In addition, if you need any assistance in this transition, please reach out to your department’s Business Liaison: http://harvest.cals.ncsu.edu/business-operations/about-us/who-to-contact/