Inform Your Innovation: Market Research Basics
Karin Shank, Senior Research Analyst in Life Science Intelligence at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, will present some basic approaches to secondary market research and competitive intelligence. You may have an innovative product or technology, but is your business case strong enough to secure grant funding and venture capital investment? Karin will share some guiding questions and resources (free, or available at NC State and NCBiotech) that she uses to assist entrepreneur clients in doing this type of market landscape analysis.
Please feel free to bring your lunch. Cookies will be provided.
*NCARS Lunch & Learn Series is supported by Deborah Thompson, CALS Director of Research Partnerships and Christy Sandy, CALS Grant Proposal Developer. The goal is to provide information to CALS faculty on the wide range of resources, tools, and programs available to support and fund the research enterprise.
NCARS L&Ls meet on Final Fridays at noon during the academic year.
Suggestions for future L&Ls welcome: Please contact Christy, clsandy@ncsu.edu or Deborah,dmt@ncsu.edu.