Meeting Advisory for Research Stations and Field Labs

Aerial of Belltower

In light of Chancellor Woodson’s announcement regarding extended spring break, online classes and new travel restrictions in response to growing COVID-19 concerns, we want to reiterate that university-related travel outside the state of North Carolina is prohibited. In addition, the University is prohibiting travel to any meeting within the state with greater than 100 people. In consultation with NCDA&CS, field days, workshops and meetings on research stations and field labs owned by NCDA&CS and NC State University will need to adhere to this policy as many of these meetings have more than 100 attendees. This restriction is in effect until further notice.

For University employees, if you believe participation in an event outside the state or in an instate event with 100 is essential to your work, you can ask for an official Travel Exception Request from the University. We do not encourage asking for an exception except in extreme cases.

If you are hosting an event of less than 100 people, please understand that the risk is not eliminated. Please consider the use of appropriate teleconferencing technology if appropriate, or consider suspending events. If possible, we do not recommend scheduling new events until we receive additional guidance.

Dr. David Monks
Associate Director, NC Agricultural Research Service

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