Lunch and Learn: How the Proposal Development Unit supports research development

road sign at centennial campus

Students make their way across Centennial Campus.

NCARS Lunch and Learn Series*
September 29, 2017
12 p.m.
Williams Hall, room 2405

Guest Speaker: Derek Gatlin, PDU

The goal of this workshop is to prepare faculty for writing more competitive grant proposals.

The objectives of this workshop include:

  • Explaining the resources and services made available by the PDU, including the service request process;
  • Discussing the challenges and benefits of interdisciplinary, inter-institutional, and large team collaborative research; and,
  • Relating the best practices for research development to writing more competitive grant proposals.

Please feel free to bring your lunch. Cookies will be provided.

RSVP: Marina Parker,
Questions: 919-515-2717

Students, staff and faculty welcome!

*NCARS Lunch & Learn Series is supported jointly by Deborah Thompson, CALS Director of Partnership Development and Christy Sandy, CALS Grant Proposal Developer. The goal is to provide information to CALS faculty on the wide range of resources, tools, and programs available to support and fund the research enterprise.

Suggestions for future L&L’s welcome:

Please contact Christy, or Deborah,

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