From University Housekeeping
Please help us keep your spaces and buildings pest free over the holidays while you are away enjoying family, friends, and hopefully a relaxing break by taking the following measures before you leave:
1. Please remove all trash and recycling from your offices or personal spaces and place them in the centralized trash and recycling containers where housekeeping staff will dispose of it.
2. Also, please don’t forget to seal up or remove all food items from desk drawers, overhead bins, breakroom cabinets, and even refrigerators, and any spaces where ants or other pests might gain access to. Please take these items home with you or dispose of them appropriately in one of the centralized waste/recycling receptacles.
3. Lastly, please wash any reusable utensils, plates, bowls, cups, and food storage containers before leaving to prevent ants and other pest infestations.
4. Power will be turned off in most university buildings. If you have personal refrigerators, they need to be cleaned out and unplugged on or before Dec. 22.
Again, thanks for all that you do. See you in 2023!