Southern IPM Hour Webinar
Wednesday, October 6, 1pm Eastern
Speakers: Katelyn Kesheimer & Kadie Britt
Register: https://bit.ly/southernipmhourhemp
The Southeastern United States has become a major producer of hemp, with almost 100,000 acres planted in 2019. With this sudden increase of acres planted, comes new growers, new pest problems, and inevitable yield losses caused by a variety of factors.
Due to the ‘newness’ of this crop, university researchers and Extension personnel are unable to offer up-to-date, research-based information to our stakeholders. Growers are left with online information and anecdotal management strategies, often from outside the southeast. It is also important to note that hemp has attracted a whole new generation of farmers with little to no agricultural experience.
This webinar focuses on common pests in hemp, barriers to Southern hemp production, stakeholder needs, and planting information for our specific Southern climate.
This webinar will discuss an introduction to hemp and why we’ve seen such a resurgence the last few years. We will cover why typical integrated pest management strategies may not always work for hemp, and detail the major weeds, diseases, and insects that infest hemp.