Final details for two of NC State Extension’s most popular publications, the 2019 N.C. Agricultural Chemicals Manual and 2019 Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers, are now available.
Copies of the new N.C. Agricultural Chemicals Manual can be purchased through UNC Press at go.ncsu.edu/ncagchem. Delivery of the printed version of the manual will be delayed until early April this year. The full online version, however, will be available on the Extension website in early-February.
The 2019 Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers guide is expected to arrive in print by mid-February. To place orders for copies, visit UNC Press at go.ncsu.edu/pest-coontrol-for-turfgrass.
When purchasing five or more copies of either manual, enter code 01NCSU25 to receive a 25 percent discount. All tax-exempt orders should be placed by calling 800-848-6224.
Extension county centers and authors will still receive their regular allocation of complimentary copies of each manual. No action is required to receive the complimentary copies, and additional copies can be purchased anytime using the order details provided.
Additional information can be found on the Order Extension Publications section of the Extension intranet at go.ncsu.edu/OrderExtPubs.