CIPM Showcase Panelists Announced and Registration Countdown

The first Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM) Showcase Event is coming soon! This event will be held virtually on Zoom from 2:30pm to 6pm on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. We will start with a panel discussion to highlight the impacts CIPM has made to stakeholders and funding agencies, followed by the CIPM presentations. The event will feature short talks from NC State University faculty that are interested in forging partnerships with external stakeholders. 

We are excited to announce our panelists for this event. Dr. Susanne Kjemtrup will be facilitating the panel discussion.

  • Dr. Wendy Jin, Associate Deputy Administrator, Science and Technology, USDA APHIS PPQ
  • Dr. Laura McConnell, Bayer Science Fellow, Bayer Crop Science
  • Mr. Joe LaForest, Associate Director, Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health, University of Georgia
  • Dr. Godshen Pallipparambil, Senior Research Scholar, Center for Integrated Pest Management, NC State University

The CIPM Showcase presentations will follow the panel discussion. Our presenters are:

  • Dr. Jaap van Kretschmar
  • Dr. Yulu Xia
  • Dr. Weiqi Luo 
  • Dr. Lauren Quevillon
  • Dr. Yu Takeuchi

The CIPM aims to foster collaborations between NC State faculty and industry that support plant pest solutions for sustainable agriculture, health management and environmental stewardship.

Registration for this event is now open.

CIPM Showcase
Wednesday September 15, 2021 (2:30pm – 6pm)
Zoom Attendance 

Please register in advance to receive your meeting invitation:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Registration will remain open until September 14, 2021.

We are following CDC and University guidelines and recommendations for COVID-19. We will adjust the event format based on the latest guidelines.

See the announcement on LinkedIn!

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