Sustainability in Floriculture
The Cognitive Behavioral Lab is answering a call from many growers, suppliers and retailers in the floral industry who would like to be more sustainable but may not know how.
Wang Awarded $3.2M NIH Grant to Study Female Reproductive Aging
Xiaoqiu (Churchill) Wang, assistant professor in the Department of Animal Science, was recently awarded a $3.2 million grant from NIH/NICHD to study female reproductive aging and uterine health.
The Changemakers
Terri Long, Marvin Moncada and Kenny Sherin are creating life- and industry-altering change. Close the digital divide, shuck stereotypes for plant scientists and age liquor at a breakneck speed–all in a day’s work for these changemakers.
Brewing the Next Generation of Beer Experts
The manager of the Wolfpack Brewing Lab, lecturer Sebastian Wolfrum supports the Brewing Science and Technology Minor offered through the college.
Showcasing NC State Faculty
The Celebration of Faculty Excellence is held each spring to recognize outstanding faculty who have received prestigious state, national and international awards, accolades or other distinctions during this academic year.
New Faculty Position in Food Sustainability
Assistant Professor Minliang Yang is creating global solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create healthier — and more sustainable — food.
Praise for 2022–23 Outstanding Teaching, Instruction and Advising
Congratulations to the 16 CALS faculty and instructors who received recognition for their commitment to educational excellence.
BCBS/Kellogg Distinguished Professor Nominations
Apply now for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation/W.K. Kellogg Distinguished Professorship in Sustainable Community-Based Food Systems.
Michael D. “Mike” Undergraduate BAE Endowment
After starting phased retirement in 2020, we bid Mike Boyette a bittersweet farewell as he enters retirement and his final senior design students begin their careers.
2022-23 University Teaching Awards Announced
Five CALS faculty members are among those NC State honored for their commitment to educational excellence.