CALS Honors Celebration and Symposium 2021

NC State red graduation caps

Please join us for the CALS Honors Celebration and Symposium 2021. This has been a year to remember and through the ups and downs, our students made steady progress toward reaching their goals. Now is the time to recognize and celebrate that progress!

During this event, CALS Honors students will share the research accomplishments they presented at the 2020-2021 NC State Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium. We will also acknowledge student awards and scholarship winners. This is our chance to show enthusiasm and send best wishes for our graduating CALS students. We hope to see you there!

April 29th, 4-5 pm
Zoom Information:

CALS Honors Celebration and Symposium 2021
Apr 29, 2021 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 928 9247 6994
Passcode: 961043
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