CALS Employees Celebrate Milestone Years of Service

Fireworks explode over the NC State belltower to close down Packapalooza 2022. Photo by Marc Hall

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at NC State University thrives on the dedication and achievements of its exceptional faculty and staff.

Their unwavering commitment fuels groundbreaking research and innovation, sustains the daily operations that keep our college running smoothly and cultivates a world-class learning environment for our students. It is through their tireless efforts that CALS continues to excel in its mission to advance knowledge, address global challenges and inspire future leaders.

We celebrate the invaluable contributions of these individuals and express our deepest gratitude for their years of service.

Congratulations to the following employees for recently reaching new milestones in 2024 for their dedication to NC State University and CALS!

1974 Fun Facts

Notable Event: Richard Nixon resigned as U.S. President following the Watergate scandal.
Pop Culture: The movie The Godfather Part II was released.
Cost of Living: Gasoline was about $0.55 per gallon.

Pamela Outen

1979 Fun Facts

Notable Event: The Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurred in Pennsylvania.
Pop Culture: Sony introduced the Walkman, revolutionizing portable music.
Cost of Living: A gallon of gas cost $0.86, and a new car averaged $5,770.

Charles Young

1984 Fun Facts

Notable Event: Apple launched the Macintosh computer with its famous Super Bowl ad.
Pop Culture: Ghostbusters and The Karate Kid became box office hits.
Cost of Living: Gas was $1.10 per gallon; a new house averaged $86,730.

Bernadette Clark
William Cline
Margaret King
Gloria Morning

1989 Fun Facts

Notable Event: The Berlin Wall fell, symbolizing the end of the Cold War.
Pop Culture: The Little Mermaid debuted, marking Disney’s animation renaissance.
Cost of Living: A gallon of gas cost $1.12, and a loaf of bread was $0.67.

Spring Byrd
Karl Hedrick III
Joann Langley
Brenda Lewis
Martina Price
Patricia Routh
Ruth Watkins

1994 Fun Facts

Notable Event: Nelson Mandela was elected as South Africa’s first Black president.
Pop Culture: Friends premiered on NBC.
Cost of Living: Gas was $1.09 per gallon, and a new car cost around $12,350.

Ella Bennett
Christine Bredenkamp
Bryan Cody
Troy Coggins
Richard Ellison
Paul Gonzalez
Kathryn Holmes
Peggie Joyce
Kathy Kelly
Tonya Lee
Wayne Mitchem
Nannetta Rackley
Bryant Spivey
Candy Underwood
Robert Walters
Faye Weldon

1999 Fun Facts

Notable Event: The fear of Y2K gripped the world as the millennium approached.
Pop Culture: The Matrix redefined sci-fi cinema.
Cost of Living: Gas was $1.22 per gallon, and the average new home cost $131,750.

Karen Ball
Angela Barefoot
Dwayne Barnes
Jeffrey Bradley
David Brittain
Katherine Brownlee
Ernest Butler
Charles Carroll
Lisa Childers
Randall Collins
John Cothren
Cari Furiness
Rhonda Gaster
Cynthia Gustashaw
Catherine Hohenstein,
Deborah Hunter
Kasimu Ingawa
Travis Lassiter
Rebecca Liverman
Lori McBryde
Sarah McLeod
Charles Mitchell
Michael Munster
Cynthia Robbins
Deborah Roos
Molly Sandfoss
Leslie Smith
Jeffrey Sommer
Dana Temple
Keith Walters
William Whaley
Tabatha Wilson
Mitchell Woodward

2004 Fun Facts

Notable Event: Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg.
Pop Culture: Shrek 2 and The Incredibles dominated theaters.
Cost of Living: Gas was $1.88 per gallon, and a new home averaged $274,500.

Lakeisha Anthony
Curtis Belyea
Glenda Burgess
Stephen Byrd
Jason Chester
Sherilee Deal
Anna Estrada
Robert Franks
Amanda Hatcher
Della King
Sarah Kotzian
Chunying Li
Justin Macialek
Morgan Maness
Maryann Mickewicz
Tomas Moreno
Myra Moses
Sonya Patterson
John Pollard
Chad Ray
Julie Sawyer
Stephen Schoof
Michelle Schroeder-Moreno
Mark Seitz
Tara Taylor
Jacob Van Kretschmar
Andrew VonCanon
Natalie Wayne
Robert Welker

2009 Fun Facts

Notable Event: Barack Obama was inaugurated as the first African American U.S. President.
Pop Culture: Avatar became the highest-grossing movie of all time.
Cost of Living: Gas was $2.35 per gallon; the average home price was $216,700.

Surabhi Aggarwal
Geneva Barbrey
Matthew Bertone
Timothy Britton
Celeste Brogdon
Benjamin Chapman
Rhonda Church
Jill Cockerham
Shannon Davidson
D’Lyn Ford
John Garner
Tayler Gentle
Edward Godfrey
Lance Grimes
Sheila Hatcher
Leigh Ann Lee
John Locklear
LaToya Lucy
Kymberly Lykes
Stephen Nall II
Sarah O’Flaherty
Brian Parrish
Christopher Pernell
Amber Polk
Laura Schenkman
Dominque Simon
Nathan Tarr
Scott Welborn

2014 Fun Facts

Notable Event: The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge went viral, raising millions for research.
Pop Culture: Frozen fever swept the world, with “Let It Go” topping charts.
Cost of Living: Gas was $3.36 per gallon.

Christie Bell
Robin Boudwin
Lee Brimmage
Samuel Brown II
Barbara Calhoun
Joseph Chiera
Marissa Cohen
Dwayne Dabbs
Rocio Davila
Jessica Drake
Joyce Edwards
Laura Edwards
Joanna Eglinton
Hui Fang
Ariel Fisher
Kendra Fortner
Andrea Gibbs
Lynnell Godfrey
Tara Gregory
Thomas Hill Jr
Thomas Hroza
Debra Ireland
Elizabeth Jerger
Jessica Jones
Phillip Jones
Diem Mai
Jonathan Marshburn
Denise McIntyre
Leigh Mickelson-Young
Jacqueline Miller
Emily Ogburn
Heather Peek
Joy Pierce
Abbey Piner
Godshen Robert
Johnny Rogers
Christy Sandy
William Smith
Crystal Starkes
Laina Stensvold
Stefani Sykes
Jason Toole
Bevelyn Ukah
Ruby Valeton
Ronald Walker Jr

2019 Fun Facts

Notable Event: The first image of a black hole was captured.
Pop Culture: Avengers: Endgame became the highest-grossing movie of all time.
Cost of Living: Gas was $2.60 per gallon.

Gwendolyn Bagley
Tabitha Barnes
Roulette Bedsaul
Amy Beitzel
Marcia Berry
Amanda Bobley
Pamela Bunce
Amanda Butalla
Maria Cangiano
Dennis Carey Jr
Jenny Carleo
Freda Childers
Taylor Crumpler
Mary Daniels
Hannah Dankbar
Jeremy Davis
Jimmy Davis
Jennie Fagen
Miguel Flores Vergara
Louie Freeman
Daniel Freund
Jason Gipe
Kimberley Griffin
Candace Hairston-Ray
Susan Hawkins
Scott Heck
Judith Hernandez
Catherine Hill
Travis Hoesli
Michelle Jewell
Jennifer Jordan
Pamela Kerley
Erin King
Phyllis Knight
Kirsten Lahre
Jamie Lester
Milton Lewis
Alfreda Mercer
Patricia Mercer
Russell Mierop
Dina Murray
Anne Orr
Rachel Owens
Sarah Paschall
Matthew Place
William Quick
Alisha Ray
Donna Rewalt
Brendan Riddle
Dinah Schuster
Kendall Sessoms
Reza Shekasteband
Kenneth Sherin
Kelsey Sosa
Matthew Strickland
Ashley Szilvay
Blake Szilvay
Jalynne Ward
Sarah Ware
Kinsey Watkins
Kayla Watson
Hannah Worrell
Chasady Wudkwych