CALS Community Conversations: How Elections Affect Marginalized Communities

President Barack Obama delivers his jobs speech in Reynolds Coliseum.

President Barack Obama delivers his jobs speech in Reynolds Coliseum.

Dr. Paula McAvoy’s, an assistant professor in NC State’s College of Education, research focuses on engaging students in discussions on controversial political issues and how polarization is affecting schools. Dr. McAvoy will lead the upcoming CALS Community Conversation, ‘Political Polarization: Why is this happening? What can be done?’

In this second session of our new four-part discussion series, we’ll discuss how historical divisions in the US contributed to the events that occurred on January 6, 2021.

The aim of all the CALS Community Conversation series is to provide a safe-to-be-brave discussion space that will make it clear to all groups of every social identity within CALS that diversity and inclusion are among our college’s most cherished and passionately guarded values.

Date: Tuesday, Feb. 23
Time: 10 – 11:30 a.m.