Read the September Business Operations’ newsletter for important information about departmental updates and reminders.
This month’s newsletter includes information on the following:
- Business Partners meeting status
- Available training tutorials and guidance
- Shop the Marketplace First initiative
- Confirming Orders
- Safety shoe allowance for state employees
- MarketPlace issues
- Accounts receivable deposit drop-off schedule and reminders
- Travel exception process
- Purchasing virtual conferences
- Gifts and awards guidelines
- PCard deadlines and reminders
- Annual effort reporting deadline
- Conflict of Interest (COI) and Notice of Intent (NOI) training and roll-out
- New IRB handbook
- NSF delay on roll-out of current & pending and biosketch templates
- ORCID ID and SciENcv biosketch information and steps
Please take a moment to read the newsletter and disseminate relevant information to others in your departments.