Read the September 2023 Business Operations Newsletter for the latest business updates and reminders.
This month’s newsletter includes information on the following:
- New travel guidance and policies
- Federal fiscal year-end
- Effort Reporting deadline
- New penalties for splitting charges on a PCard
- NC Ag Foundation reminders
- Soliciting funds
- Hotel prepayment reminder
- Adding attachments to ServiceNow incidents
- Procurement reminders
- Required documentation for all forms of payment
- University guidelines related to group meals, conferences and meetings
- Reminder for purchasing food and beverages for breakrooms
- New travel subsistence rates
- New travel guides on the CBO website
- Tips to avoid travel denials
- Guidance on personal travel and most economical travel
- Travel mileage rate changes
- Parking limit increase at RDU
- Accounts Receivable deposit guides and resources
- Format for back-up journals
- New process for requisitions between $5,000 and $25,000
- Requesting personal reimbursement
- Dean’s signature for AP-107 form
- Clarification on alcohol and corking fees
- REU stipend payments
- PCard and Fleet Card deadlines and reminders
- New Pre-Award webpage
- Effective dates for proposals and reports
- RED implementation
- Sponsored Programs report for RPT dossiers
- NIH’s update to policy on Subaward/Consortium Written Agreements
- SDC submission reminder
- CBO staff updates