Call for Proposals/Reports – NC Agricultural and Tobacco Foundations

Two students looking at cotton plants.

This is a request for new and continuing proposals (only Non-Salary Funding Requests are needed for continuing proposals) and reports for the NC Agricultural and Tobacco Foundations. This year we will be utilizing a new system called InfoReady located here:

Below is the FY2020 list of priorities from each Foundation’s Board of Directors.  Nickels’ for Know-How funds are derived from the voluntary assessment of $.15 per ton on fertilizer and feed. Therefore, we encourage proposals from both the Animal and Plant Sciences.

These Foundation funds are intended to support programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. If a collaborator in another college is interested in submitting a proposal, they first must be associated with a CALS faulty member that is a primary Project Leader.

As in the past, Project Leaders must have a unity account to access InfoReady for submitting proposals. If a Project Leader is having issues accessing InfoReady, or issues with completing a proposal, please contact Greg Lewis at or 919-515-6377 or Daniel Pelliccia at or 919-515-6379 for assistance.

The deadline for proposal/report submission to CALS is Monday, January 14, 2019. If you or your faculty have any questions or concerns, please contact Greg Lewis by phone at 919-515-6377 or by email at or Daniel Pelliccia at or 919-515-6379 for assistance.

The Foundation General Guidelines are located on page four of this memo and the Budget Guidelines are located on page five. Please read the entire guidelines before starting the proposal and note that after the deadline date has passed, no proposals will be accepted. Listed below are instructions for navigating InfoReady:

Project Leaders/Agents  


  • Select the URL
  • Select “Ag, Dairy and Tobacco Foundation”
  • Select the “Apply” box
  • Select the blue box that reads NC State University Login
  • Login using your unity ID
  • Enter necessary information into the requested fields (note that fields designated with an * are required)
  • Select the “Submit Application” box

A confirmation email will be sent once the proposal is successfully submitted.



Annual or Final reports are due for all active projects by January 14, 2019.  The module for accepting reports will be ready in the near future and a follow up email will be sent to faculty with reports due once the system is available.





Joint Board Meeting of the NC Agricultural, Dairy and Tobacco Foundations
November 1, 2018

Recommendations for Research and Extension Proposals

NC Agricultural Foundation Priorities

  • Sweet Potato longevity/storage for export market to Europe.
  • Pasture renovation with respect to flooding and salinity problems.
  • Labor reduction/mechanization in poultry operations.
  • Data management – How to incorporate/integrate in Ag production.
  • Emissions management from swine/poultry operations.
  • Research on cover crop plants – effects on wood/insect suppression, improvement in soil.
  • Funding/salaries for extension positions – retention of agents.
  • Peanut Leaf Spot research.

NC Tobacco Foundation Priorities

  • Continue Production Guides.
  • Control of new species of nematodes

NC Dairy Foundation Priorities

No RFP for FY 2020


Guidelines for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS)

Agricultural and Tobacco Foundations’ Grants

  1. Each faculty or field faculty member in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences has the opportunity to develop and submit proposals through their respective departments to CALS Administration for foundation funding.
  2. Projects which provide immediate benefits to THE AGRICULTURAL AND RELATED INDUSTRIES and have joint NCARS/NCCES collaborations are given priority. These projects may involve an interdisciplinary team effort and/or be multi-year proposals (such as graduate student assistantships), if required to obtain the stated objectives.
  3. Joint RESEARCH-EXTENSION proposals to any foundation should reflect both NCARS and NCCES budgets. Generally, individual proposals should not exceed $25,000. Proposals must be submitted into InfoReady.
  4. Graduate Assistantship Policies for NCARS and NCCES:
  5. New Foundation Grants will support graduate students for two years for an M.S. student and three years for a Ph.D. student. It is encouraged for out of state graduate students to establish residency within the first year of Assistantship. Assistantships not filled by January 1 will revert to the Foundation.
  6. If within the first year of a foundation assistantship a student leaves NCSU, the department will have until the following July 1 to refill the assistantship but with the same termination date. If not refilled by July 1, the assistantship reverts to the Foundation. If a student leaves after completing more than one year of the assistantship, the assistantship will revert to the Foundation.
  7. Once an assistantship is funded in either NCARS or NCCES, a proposal to continue funding to the end of the assistantship is not necessary. Only non-salary (except tuition), programmatic requests should be resubmitted for competitive funding.
  8. Non-Salary Funding Requests – All non-salary funding requests to any of the foundations must be submitted annually for competitive funding. However, the Foundations will consider funding multi–year projects. Multi-year projects require annual review and are subject to termination depending on a variety of factors. This category is intended for programmatic support and includes supplies/materials, equipment, travel, publication costs, current services, etc.
  9. Each project leader who received funding during the last 12 months will provide an interim progress report for each project that was funded. In the final year of support, a final report must be provided. Reports should contain a summary of data collected, interpretation of the results, and statement of the impacts or potential impact of the results.
  10. Please communicate with your Department Head that you are submitting a proposal and that they will need to approve the proposal electronically.


NOTE: All budgets are for a one-year period–please prepare them accordingly. If funded, any graduate assistantship salaries, fringes, and tuition will be automatically picked up for the duration of the assistantship.

Graduate Students – All graduate students must have fringes and health benefits. Use an annualized salary only. Please use an 18% fringe rate for calculating fringe for graduate students.

Tuition is required for students. Project Leaders do not need to request tuition as CALS will maintain a central pool for tuition payments as needed.

Temporary Labor – Please use a 9% fringe rate for calculating fringe for temporary labor.

Supplies/Materials, Travel, Equipment, current services, and other direct costs need to be itemized in the Additional Expense Explanation field provided on the proposal in InfoReady. Short descriptions are fine.