Bland, Fernandez Recognized for Advancing Small Fruits

Blueberries, strawberries and other small fruits are big business in North Carolina, with an annual production value of more than $77 million. Two members of NC State’s Department of Horticultural Science were recently recognized for their role in advancing the industry through science.

Terry Bland , Extension Researcher, crossing grape cultivars
Terry Bland

Terry Bland, a retiring research specialist, received the North Carolina Blueberry Council’s Outstanding Service Award, while Gina Fernandez, a small fruits Extension specialist and a breeder of strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, received the North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association’s Distinguished Service Award.

Bland, stationed at the Horticultural Crops Research Station in Castle Hayne, was part of NC State’s blueberry breeding program, considered the nation’s top public program of its kind. He was honored at the 2019 council’s Open House and Trade Show held Jan. 15-16 in Fayetteville.

head and shoulders photograph of Gina Fernandez
Gina Fernandez

Fernandez, who’s been at NC State since 1996, was credited for her role in rapidly expanding the Southeastern blackberry industry as well as her service to the association.In presenting the award, association president Pierson Geyer said, “Dr. Fernandez is a true friend and supporter of NARBA and our industry, and has been instrumental in helping us here on the East Coast to where we are today.”

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