BCBS/Kellogg Distinguished Professor Nominations

people sitting at tables with umbrellas

Nominations for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation/W.K. Kellogg Distinguished Professorship in Sustainable Community-Based Food Systems are being solicited. Tenured faculty at the full professor rank pursuing research and extension activities are eligible to apply. Holders of other named professorships are not eligible for consideration.

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation/W.K. Kellogg Distinguished Professorship in Sustainable Community-Based Food Systems Professorship is intended to recognize and support faculty who have distinguished themselves in the area of research appropriate to the core mission of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) to “develop and promote food and farming systems that protect the environment, strengthen local communities, and provide economic opportunities in North Carolina and beyond.

Nominations may be submitted by any individual member of the College faculty, including members of the screening committee. Faculty desiring to submit names of colleagues should consider the general guidelines established for nomination of Professors of Distinction, e.g. named Distinguished Professorships. The criteria to be followed are detailed on the Policies, Regulations and Rules (PRRs) website.

Previous and current named professors in our college are available online.

One electronic copy of the nomination should be sent in pdf format by email to Claudia Mello at cmello@ncsu.edu.

  1. Nomination packages should include:
    1. Name of candidate
    2. The candidate’s CV listing biographical data, educational background, and documentation of the nominee’s scholarly and academic achievements, professional recognitions, and accomplishments relevant to the evaluation criteria noted above. The CV is limited to no more than 15 pages (Times New Roman font size 12 pt and single spaced with 1 inch margins all around). The following are appropriately included in the CV if applicable:
      • courses taught
      • instructional and curricular development
      • work on scholarship of teaching
      • mentoring and advising of students and postdoctoral associates
      • evidence of teaching and mentoring excellence from course evaluations, honors and awards, and placement of students and postdocs
      • list of publications by category (refereed journal articles, book chapters and reviews, other publications as appropriate)
      • selected invited presentations
      • funded grants, contracts, gifts and other awards (indicating total award amount and amount directly attributed to the candidate’s program)
      • patents or other technological innovation
      • scholarly honors and awards
      • extension and engagement activities and their impacts
      • service activities
      The CV should highlight the accomplishments most relevant to the nominee’s strengths to meet the page limit.
      3) Five letters supporting the nomination; two should be from faculty within NC State and three from professional colleagues outside the NC State faculty. Up to two additional letters may be included from industry representatives addressing the impact of the nominee’s program on their industry.
      Direct any and all questions to Harry Daniels, hdaniels@ncsu.edu or Claudia Mello, cmello@ncsu.edu.