Eat Fresh, Eat Local Monthly Recipe: Med Meringues
Try these Med Meringues and put a deliciously healthy twist on a traditional meringue cookie by using nuts, seeds, and shredded coconut for flavoring while reducing the amount of added sugar.
Eat Fresh, Eat Local Monthly Recipe: A Recipe Brought to You by NC State’s Steps to Health Program
Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium. Look inside to see the recipe!
Eat Fresh, Eat Local Monthly Recipe: Beets!
Beets are tasty and colorful vegetable that can be found in season during the fall in North Carolina. This root vegetable has a sweet taste and contains fiber. Check out these four recipes to include beets in your diet this fall.
Eat Fresh, Eat Local Monthly Recipe: Autumn Calls for North Carolina Apples
Check out a fall recipe from the Med Instead of Meds eating style. Med Instead of Meds was created by a group from CALS and the NC Division of Public Health.