Agricultural Education Student Teacher was Finalist for NC Student Teacher of the Year

5 people standing in line with one holding a red reward folder.

Jacqueline Knowles, a May 2017 graduate in Agricultural Education was named one of the six finalists for the North Carolina Student Teacher of the Year by the North Carolina Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators. Ms. Knowles completed her student teaching at Pinecrest High School. Tiffany Key and Sharon Maines, also Agricultural Education graduates from NC State, were her cooperating teachers at Pinecrest High School. The NC – ACTE selects 6 student teacher finalists from nominees from each of the North Carolina universities that offer teacher education programs.

Ms. Knowles is currently an Agricultural Education teacher at Southern Lee High School.

Pictured above: Jacqueline Knowles from left to right are her two cooperating teachers, Tiffany Key and Sharon Maines, Dr. Travis Park, coordinator of Agricultural Education student teachers, Jacqueline Knowles, and Dr. Gary Moore, her university supervisor during her student teaching experience.

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